This page will be found filled with words; sometimes my original thought, and other times just me relaying inspiring notions read or heard. This is just a way to speak my mind, and in doing so, (hopefully) somehow speak into the lives of others.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

That marriage thing...

Marriage has been on the brain lately. This little train of thought was actually spurred earlier this week, as I burned some calories working out on my beloved Life Fitness machine, zoning out to my Ipod. Jem's Falling For You song came on. The topic then came full circle today when the marriage topic was brought up in some Bible reading I did later this afternoon.

The stanza from the Jem song that caught my attention was as follows:
It's true I've become a skeptic
How many couples really love
Just wish I had a crystal ball
To show me, if it's worth it all

It was that second line that got me thinking. I mean really...how many couples do love like they should? Webster defines love many ways, most involving words that describe emotions and feelings. All true, but it is a different aspect of love that I think is the glue which holds "marriage love" together. Devotion. This was a synonym found in the dictionary for love. It portrays the 'commitment' characteristic of love, which I feel can be quickly overlooked in our society that teaches immediate gratification, and always needing the next newer, and better version of the stuff we have.

I, like 99.97% of single Christian females around my age, want to get married. MOST DEFINITELY. And though being single has its lonely moments, and all around not-fun times, I have surprised myself at how okay I am with it all of a sudden. Now don't take that comment the wrong way. My desire for marriage has not dwindled, I have just been given a peace for where I am to be for this day. More so because I have been viewing marriage differently. The whole "The grass is always greener on the other side" saying comes to mind. The one blessing I can truly appreciate about being single at my "old" age, is the ability to observe and talk with married family and friends. Both newlyweds all the way up to the "Baby Boomer" generation. And I am THANKFUL. I am learning from observation, and storing up mental notes. I am surprised at how many Marrieds (*Ahem, thank you KRISSY for such a great term) exist that put on a great display of living out the perfect marriage. Showing the outside observer that they are "perfectly" in love and enamored with each other. But to see the "behind closed doors"...its...well...'eye opening' to say the least. Bitter sweet. Bitter because I am discouraged at how many unhappy marriages exist and find myself letting doubt about my own future creep in. Sweet because I have not jumped into anything just to have a husband, or someone to wake up to each morning.

But I don't want to imply that I think marriage sucks and no one is ever happy. There are two sides to every story. And Lord knows the other side DOES exist. I was re-encouraged of that fact when reading Acts 18. It was here that Priscilla and Aquila are mentioned. The commentary provided in my Bible about this married couple is THE type of marriage I am holding out for. See below for a couple excerpts I selected:

-->"Some couples know how to make the most of life. They complement each other, capitalize on each other's strengths, and form an effective team. Their united efforts affect those around them. Aquila and Priscilla were such a a couple. They are never mentioned separately in the Bible. In marriage and ministry, they operated as one. "
-->"...they went on using their home as a warm place for training and worship...In an age when the focus is mostly on what happnes between husband and wife, Aquila and Priscilla are an example of what can happen through husband and wife."

I know God can use me in my singleness, and being single I can do things that I might not have the opportunity to do while also juggling the responsibilities of marriage. But Priscilla and Aquila's story encouraged me that God can use married couples devoted to Him as well! (Obvious statement, I know.) I want my cake and I want to eat it too when it comes to this revelation. Call me a dreamer, but I WANT to be used for great things right now, and different, but equally great things when I finally get married.

I want to be one of the success stories, and I am willing to wait for it.


Afton Vander Pol said...

amazing words my joelle..your an encourager by far:)

Unknown said...

It was nice to see you the other day Joelle! Thanks for including me in your blog! Encouraging words....there is a wonderful man out there who is longing for the same type of relationship you are....and that type of man is a treasure worth the wait!
